About Touch Rugby

Dive into the excitement of our Touch Rugby league, where fast-paced action meets fun and fitness. Perfect for all skill levels, our league offers a welcoming community, thrilling games, and a chance to stay active.

What is Touch Rugby?

Touch rugby (also known as “touch” or “touchies”) is a minimal contact sport that is played worldwide by men, women and children of all ages. The game emphasizes running, agility and ball handling skills such as passing and catching.

Appearing similar to rugby, without the tackling, scrumming, kicking and the like, the aim of the game is to score tries. There are two variations of touch rugby that are played at In 2 Touch leagues, namely “1-Touch” and “6-Down”. In 2 Touch 1-touch rules and “FIT” 6-down rules will be applied. More information here(under “Playing format and rules”) and more detailed rules here. Turnovers are frequent and by means of touch by the opposition, loss of possession or illegal or forward(same direction as play) passes. This promises the option of a fast-paced game, if you dare. Played on a flat surface, half the size of a conventional sports field makes touch rugby “The Game taking the World by Storm”.

Although played to a wider extent on a social level, there are now burgeoning commercial leagues in South Africa and England. There are also regular school competitions and development clinics spreading the touch rugby-gospel to everyone.

The official governing body of the sport is known as the Federation of International Touch.

Contact Us

+27 (0)72 255 7309
