Information & Conditions of Entry


  1. Finals and Player Eligibility
    1. All players must be officially registered in their team to play any games for that team.
    2. Any member of a team must have played at least 4 games throughout the season to play in the knock-out stages.
    3. Those people coming back from injury, or who have missed large parts of the season, due to work or the other commitments cannot play unless the opposition’s captain grants them leniency.
    4. The onus is on the opposing team’s captain to raise any objections to “imports” and this must be done on the night before the game commences and not afterwards when the result is final.
  2. General Captain and Player Responsibility
    1. New and existing captains must either electronically submit a team entry or sign & fax a manual entry and are subject to the Information and Conditions of Entry contained in this document.
    2. It is the responsibility of the captain / organiser of the team to make sure that team members have read through these full terms and conditions of the league and which are available from the league manager or can be read online at
    3. Once a team and its individual players participate in an In 2 Touch touch rugby-league, those players become automatically bound to the terms and conditions of the In 2 Touch leagues.
    4. The captain / organiser of that team also accepts full and sole financial responsibility for the team and particularly its respective team members who, by virtue of participating in the league, become automatically bound as mentioned above (league fees vary between venues and region and are listed in the schedule below).
    5. As a result of poor weather, venue problems or the like, should a touch season continue past its scheduled end date and/ or In 2 Touch be forced to change venues or week night, teams will still be required honor their commitment to playing in the league.
    6. Should a team not be able to complete the season for any reason including those listed in above no refunds will be given.
    7. It is in the sole discretion of In 2 Touch to amend any terms and conditions without prejudicing its rights.
  3. Fees and Payments
    1. Only upfront payments will be accepted.
    2. The League fee is the total fee that a team is liable to pay, to participate in the league and reflects a season long service that is rendered in the promotion and administration of your touch rugby league. There is no such as thing as a pro-rata game fee, nor refunds proportionate to games lost for whatever reason.
    3. Should any leniency in this regard be offered, it does not in any way jeopardize In 2 Touch’s right to claim full settlement for the season or to withhold any rights that are afforded to fully paid teams.
    4. In 2 Touch reserves the right to prohibit teams from playing should payment not be received.
    5. Any teams that register for the season and fail to arrive for their first game will be liable to pay a R600 administration fee.
    6. Any team that withdraws from the league at any stage will be liable for the full season’s fee.
    7. Any past season’s bad debt must be paid immediately before the commencement of the new season irrespective of whether the new season has been settled.
    8. The organisers of those teams will also be banned from entering a team in the future until the debt has been paid.
    9. In 2 Touch retains the right to take further legal action in order to recoup the outstanding money. ID-numbers are now required in order to register your team and In 2 Touch will not hesitate to blacklist any people who legitimately owe it money for services rendered
    10. Please keep all receipts given to you by your league manager. This will protect you if discrepancies arise.
    11. Payments can be made; online by credit/debit card (, by direct transfer into the respective leagues bank account or with cash on the night. If paying by cheque prior arrangement must be made with your league manager.
    12. All direct transfers / deposits MUST be followed with a fax or e-mail confirmation so your team account can be credited accordingly. PLEASE USE YOUR TEAM NAME AND LEAGUE VENUE AS A REFERENCE.
    13. For League Pricing and Venues, please click here.
  4. General Playing Information
    1. Indemnity forms / Team sheets need to be filled out on the first league night when payments are made. All players’ details need to be completed on this form including e-mail addresses and contact numbers. The above information will be placed into In 2 Touch’s online management program.
    2. All players must be officially registered in their team to play any games for that team. Captains are responsible for registering them on the website as well as on the first night manually.
    3. A team may have any number of registered players, but only 12 players may play on a night. Medals, however, are only awarded to 10 players.
    4. Teams must arrive on time and at the correct field 10 minutes before they are scheduled to play
    5. Every captain must reconcile the names of the players that are present on the night, onto the score sheet before the start of the game. Names will automatically appear if they have been entered into the team profile with a correct e-mail address (as in point 1 above).
    6. A Golden Try Award may be given at the end of the season to a player in each division who scores the most tries. (This can be monitored weekly on the website). (Players have to be registered in their team profiles with active e-mail and cell phone numbers in order to be eligible for this award).
  5. Divisions, Fixtures & Formats
    1. Each team will play a registration or warm up game and this game can be used to determine a new team’s ability, skill and appropriate division to be placed in.
    2. Teams are then placed into divisions of equal strength or in a format that creates the most appropriate and engaging competition.
    3. The divisions vary from super-league “men” to “social”, “ladies” and “mixed”.
    4. Divisions will generally be made up of 6 or 8 teams; however exceptions will be made where circumstances warrant them.
    5. Teams play one night per week against other teams in their respective divisions, but may need to play more games on a night if the league falls behind due to any reasons mentioned above.
    6. Teams must check their fixtures online at An automated e-mail will be sent to players whose e-mail addresses are under their team profiles one day before the scheduled league game. The onus will always lie with the team to confirm game times.
    7. Future game times may change due to: a formal request by the team captain, to prevent clashes between mixed and men’s teams or availability of referees.
    8. Should at least 4 players not be present to begin a game, the team with sufficient players will receive 1 try for every 2 minutes lost, until the game can commence.
    9. A friendly game will be organised if the opponents are unable to make the scheduled game or your team is scheduled to play a “bye” team. Games will not be rescheduled.
    10. Leagues may fall behind schedule owing to circumstances beyond our control.
    11. In 2 Touch reserves the right to;
      1. Schedule more than 1 game per evening and / or to arrange a friendly for the team that has arrived. This game will count and the team will record a 10-0 victory irrespective of the friendly game result.
      2. To move playing venues as well as the “week days” in order to complete the league.
      3. Give notice of at least 7 days should any major changes to the schedule be considered, although this is sometimes out of our hands and could be as little as 48 hours. Whilst we will endeavor to accommodate everyone, teams are liable to play their catch-up games and no refunds will be given
      4. If 75% of the game has been played and it has to be stopped for rain, power failures etc… the score at that time will stand.
  6. League Rules
    1. A central timer will be used to start and finish games.
    2. Only moulded boots with a minimum of 10 studs are allowed. No exceptions will be made i.e. any metal studded rugby boots.
    3. Points scoring as follows: Win = 4 points, Draw = 2 points, Loss = 1 point, No Show = 0 points, Identical T-Shirts = 1 point. Thus a maximum of 5 points can be achieved on 1 night
    4. From the first league game 1 bonus point will be awarded if a whole team wears identical t-shirts. Bonus points will not be earned in the registration / warm-up game.
    5. After each game the captain will be required to sign the referees score sheet and confirm the score and accept that a t-shirt point has or has not been awarded, by signing the referee’s score sheet. Once the score sheet has been signed by both captains, the result is deemed final.
    6. In most instances the top 4 teams in each division will contest the finals and the rest of the teams will play friendly or positional matches i.e 5 vs 6.
    7. In exceptional instances only, teams who are drastically over or under performing in their graded divisions will be moved to a higher or lower division respectively. The team will be either swapped with another team from that respective division, or alternatively they will be allocated the average points of its new division.
    8. (Team captains playing new, unregistered or unauthorized players must bring it to attention of the league manager, who will in turn inform the referee and opposition captain before the game. Teams may be liable to forfeit the points if these players are not registered for the team or do not adhere to the leagues rules.
    9. A player may not play for 2 teams in the same division. However a player is allowed to play for a maximum of two teams in different divisions so long as the divisions mirror each other. I.e. Division 1 and Division 2, not Division 1 and Division 4. Within a respective team that shares players, no more than 3 players from a higher division may play in a lower division team.
    10. In 2 Touch cannot guarantee that the game times for these respective teams will not clash.
  7. Rules, Player Conduct and Spirit
    1. Comprehensive rules are available online and must be read by all captains and their individual players.
    2. Excessive swearing by a player in a game will result in a forced substitution and a penalty.
    3. Absolutely no referees will be sworn at and league managers and referees will be briefed to apply In 2 Touch strict disciplinary protocol in this regard.
    4. In 2 Touch does not recognize “phantom touches” and does not wish to doubt the integrity of any player. Any player who feels a phantom touch has been claimed, must accept the decision of the referee and make no further comment or incite the opposition.
    5. Any member of the opposition may verbally spar with opposition to gain a competitive advantage, but under no circumstance will swearing, threats and any personal comments be tolerated by the referees.
    6. Anyone who continues to question referees decisions, deliberately and negatively communicates with the opposition in a manner that is against the spirit of game and ultimately incites conflict, must be first warned, forced to substitute and finally sent off. Anyone sent off will be subject to a disciplinary hearing.
    7. No spectator (be it coach, parents, friends, sent off player etc.) may deliberately query or interact with the referee. Failure by the spectator to comply with this will entitle the referee to ask the individual in question to move approximately 20m away from the field of play. If they refuse to leave, the game will be paused and the league manager must make the final decision to stop-forfeit the game and award a win to the opposition.
    8. Any serious violation of the league rules or conditions will result in a player being summoned to a hearing by the league organisers.
    9. In 2 Touch reserves the right of admission and may expel any individual or team from attending any of its leagues or events.
  8. Playing Format and Rules
    1. “1 Touch” is South Africa’s traditional form of Touch Rugby
      1. It involves a single phase of possession/touch and can be played effectively with not too much practice.
      2. “1 Touch ” is played at leagues in Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Brackenfell, Centurion, Century City, Randburg, Vaal Triangle, Zoo Lake, East London.
      3. In 2 Touch’s interpretation and application of these rules, their written format, how the game is refereed at leagues has and continues to be enhanced by In 2 Touch and is a major part of In 2 Touch intellectual property.
      4. Team squads on each night consist of a maximum of 12 players with a maximum of 5 players on the field (only 10 players will be eligible for medals) and additional medals can be purchased.
    2. “6 Down” is the international version of the sport.
      1. It involves six phases, or touches, and is a more structured game than “1 Touch.”
      2. Mens, ladies and mixed teams can enter into the leagues.
      3. Players can achieve provincial and national representation selection.
      4. 6-down is played in leagues at Sandton, Harlequins, Edenvale, Eastrand, Villagers & Durban North.
      5. Team squads on each night consist of 12 players for 6 Down (6 on the field), in a mixed game a minimum of 3 ladies must be on the field at all times (only 10 players will be eligible for medals) additional medals can be purchased. There are two variations of touch rugby that are played at In 2 Touch leagues, namely “1-Touch” or “6-Down”.  In 2 Touch 1-touch rules and “FIT” 6-down Rules will be applied.
  9. Proprietary Clause
    “The information contained herein, as well as rules and systems associated with In 2 Touch’s of method of promoting of the sport of touch rugby have been developed exclusively by In 2 Touch. The developed systems, information and conditions of entry, and the respective pricing are considered by In 2 Touch to be of proprietary nature. In this respect, the touch player, company or any 3rd party reviewing this information must honor In 2 Touch’s proprietary/intellectual rights in this regard and must refrain from copying or disclosing its contents to any third party”
  10. Indemnity and Acknowledgment of Responsibility on behalf of my Team
    I, as captain and / organizer, consents on behalf of my team and hereby agree and declare that In 2 Touch, the venue authorities, sponsors and referees shall not be liable for any claim, damages, injury, death or loss of or damage to property, however caused, whether due to the negligence or gross negligence of the above mentioned parties, their employees or their representatives, or not.Furthermore, I declare that I have read all the information and conditions of entry into an In 2 Touch league and attach my signature (manual entry) and / or “tick” (online entry) and /or commit my entry through the conduit of a league manager via phone or email to confirm this.

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+27 (0)72 255 7309